Physio back pain, 10 Simple Methods

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At some point in their lives, most people suffer lower back pain, which is very common. In the past, bed rest was prescribed for the “playing” of your back, while today it is advised to continue to practice. Naturally, we don’t suggest going for a run or lifting heavy weights which wouldn’t have been smart. However, you can do some great workouts to relieve lower back pain. These are extremely gentle exercises but, naturally, listen to your body and stop if you have pain.

The exercises work by stretching your muscles tightly when your back is lower and your muscles are weak. There are, of course, numerous reasons for lower back pain, so physical therapist inspections are useful.

Before stretching, make sure you warm up your muscles. During stretching, you should never bounce and all stretches should be slow and slow. Avoid over stretching, stretch your muscles until you feel just a slight stretch and last 20-30 seconds each stretch.

  1. Strengthening the lower stomach

You must strengthen your lower tummy muscles because they work with the lower back. This means that the lower stomach muscles can straighten the lower back and cause lower back pain.

The picture below shows a great workout for the lower tummy muscles. It is very gentle and efficient too. Sleep with knees tucked on your back and feet on the floor. Respire in and out and bring one knee to the chest and breathe the foot into the ground. Repeat this training on each leg six to eight times.

This exercise is for you OR at least not yet, if your back hurt at all.

  1. Deep strengthening of the abdomen

The transverse abdominal muscle that supports the lower back is a very important muscle to strengthen. This muscle is very weak in many people and may result in lower back pain. Below is a very gentle and safe way to reinforce the muscle. Place a small coil under your head and curve your knees to perform this exercise on your back. Your feet should be located on the floor, hip distance apart. Having a relaxed upper body and a soft tucked-in chin. Take a deep breath and focus your bowel button to your dorsal back when you breathe. Hold on for 5 to 10 seconds this gentle contraction.

Relax your tummy muscles while you breathe. This is a slow, gentle tightening so that less than 25% of your full strength is used. Five times repeat.

  1. Bridge

As shown in the picture below, the bridge is another great exercise to mobilize the lower back. This exercise is carried out with knees bent on the back and your feet on the floor, separated from the hip. Take a deep breath and lift your hips out of the ground until the hips and knees are right in line with the shoulders. When you breathe your hips down to the ground. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Again, with this exercise, you shouldn’t feel increased back pain.

  1. Pelvic Tilts

Another excellent exercise is the Pelvic Tilt to mobilize your lower back muscles. Lie on your back, and put a little coil under your head, as shown below. Bend your knees and put your feet on the floor. Hip width. Remain relaxed in your upper body and gently tucked in your chin. Flatten your lower back in the floor softly and tighten your belly muscles. Turn your pelvic now towards your skins until the lower back has a gentle arch, the back muscles become tight and you return. Place your belly on one hand and your lower back on the other, to make sure the muscles work correctly. Repeat 8 to 12 times, tilting in slow movement your pelvis back and forth. Again, low back pain should not be increased. And truth is that after using our hands to mobilize the area and release tightness, it is much easier to do this.

  1. Bird Dog

It is important to move your lower back to help it recover. In the picture below, the bird dog exercise is great for mobilizing the lower back. Make sure that your hands are under your shoulders straight and your knees are under your hips to perform this exercise. Your backbone is neutral and you need to stay in line with your backbone. Take a strong breath, spread a leg and the other arm into your spine as you breathe out. You always have to keep your back neutral, so do not let your lower back fall. Hold down for five to ten seconds and lower the leg and arm to the ground as you breathe out. Repeat this practice on 8 to 12 different sides. Again, with this exercise, there should be no pain. And if you do this wrongly, the next day you will have more back pain.

  1. Lower Back Stretch

Stretching your lower back will help to reduce your lower back pain. Kneel all fours directly under your hips and hands, under your shoulders. Kneel all fours. Make sure that your spinal cord is neutral. Keep your head in keeping with your spine, back and prevent your elbows from locking. Take a large deep breath and take your back to your heels when you breathe out slowly. Take 20-30 seconds of stretch. Bring your body back on all fours as you breathe. Repeat 6 to 8 times.

If you have a herniated disk this stretch could exacerbate your back condition. Discs don’t like that bending. It would be wise to evaluate if you did not know what causes your low back pain.

  1. Leg Stretch

It can be very common for the lower back pain of your hamstring muscles, which is found in the back of your legs. It is therefore advisable to expand them. The hamstrings below can be seen a large stretch. Lie down with both your feet on the floor and knees raised to complete this exercise. Touch a towel with a foot under the ball. Smooth your knee and pull the towel slowly down. Do not overdo it and you should feel a gentle stretch in the back of your leg. Keep 20 to 30 seconds. For each leg, repeat twice. If you experience numbness or sciatica as a result of this stretch, you should proceed with caution and consult with a physical therapist to help you work within parameters that do not irritate the nerve.

  1. Stretching the Piriformis muscle

The piriformis, a muscle in your buttocks, can also be tight when you have lower back pain. The stretch below is extremely effective in stretching this muscle and is extremely simple to perform. To begin, lie on your back and cross your right ankle over your left knee. Take a deep breath in while gripping the thigh of your left leg. Pull the knee in towards you as you exhale. Maintain the stretch for 20-30 seconds. Repeat twice more for each side.

Again, this stretch may be too strenuous for people suffering from acute low back pain. We can assist you in modifying it so that you do not aggravate the situation.

  1. Hip Stretch

It is also beneficial to stretch your hips, as your hip flexor muscles are frequently tight when you have lower back pain. When your hip flexors are tight, your posture will change, leading to what is known as “Donald Duck posture,” in which your buttocks stick out too far. This causes tightness in your lower back and can result in lower back pain. Kneel with one knee on the floor and the other foot in front with the knee bent to stretch the hip flexors. Keep your back straight and your hips forward. Maintain the stretch for 20-30 seconds. Repeat twice more on each side.

  1. Stretching the Spine

This final stretch is excellent for stretching out your spine and also feels good. Place a small cushion under your head and lie on your back. Maintain a bent and together stance with your knees. Maintain a relaxed upper body and gently tuck your chin in. Take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, roll your knees to one side, then your pelvis, while keeping both shoulders on the floor. As you return to your starting position, take a deep breath in. Repeat six to eight times on each side.

This stretch will almost certainly aggravate a herniated disc. Please ensure that you are aware of the source of your discomfort. That is where physical therapy can help. We give you a clear explanation and then explain how certain movements can aggravate your condition and what will help. That way, you’ll know which classes and exercises are safe to attend and which ones you should avoid. 

If you did the exercise, could you tell us if it relieved your back pain? Please leave your comments below.