Why social media marketing is a better form of Digital Marketing

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The perfect appearance – you can’t avoid it on social media! Social media are no longer a decorative accessory in digital marketing but are essential for the image and reach of companies. Successful social media managers master the tightrope between advertising, PR, and customer-oriented communication. Do you know what is essential with SMM to convert followers into new customers?

Social Media: Today’s Marketing for Businesses

Once the digital round tables for friends and family, social media are now much more than that. Many companies have recognized the potential of digital networks and use these platforms to reach their target groups.

What is Social Media Marketing? 

Social media marketing (short: SMM) is a form of online marketing. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are used strategically to communicate company messages, interact with target groups, and generate visitors for your website.

Social media marketing is suitable for companies of all sizes to expand their awareness, build and strengthen their brand, and, ultimately, expand their reach through targeted content and win potential customers.

However, it is not enough to create an excellent profile on Facebook, Twitter, and Co., post something now and then and wait for the big rush of interested parties. 

Successful media marketing requires a strategy that corresponds as closely as possible to the interests and needs of the respective buyer persona.

Why is social media marketing indispensable?

Hand on heart, who is still impressed by screaming advertising banners today? Many of us perceive such aggressive advertising campaigns at best as a decorative facade in the cityscape. Last but not least, this oversaturation has induced the marketing industry to take other paths and rely on attracting instead of pressing on: inbound marketing is the magic word.

Social media marketing also falls into the concept of this marketing strategy. Because on the social platforms, people are ideally the focus, not the products.

As a company that wants to assert itself in online marketing, it is essential to establish a communicative line for users who best suit their brand or have a real need for their products or services. And without annoying frontal offers.

Don’t you have time for that? Then automate your social media campaigns:

What is Marketing Automation?

If you manage the balancing act between authentic communication and targeted content marketing on social media, you can win numerous potential customers without breaking your marketing budget.

However, for sustainable success, you should define specific goals that you want to achieve with your social media marketing.

Realistic goals in social media marketing

Before you develop a strategy for your social media marketing, you should make it clear which goals are realistic for companies in this way. Because one thing in advance: The direct sale of products in social networks is more likely not! Instead, “softer” milestones are in the foreground, creating branding and customer loyalty.

According to a study by the German Institute for Marketing Research (DIM), the most common goals for companies in SMM marketing are :

  • Increasing awareness of your brand or products
  • Image improvement of your brand or product
  • Support online marketing goals
  • Acquisition of new customers
  • Dialogue with customers
  • Customer loyalty

Given the abundance of social media in the vastness of the Internet, many companies are unsure which platform they should use for their purpose.