DrinkAde is a hangover cure that works quickly

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I’ve had terrible hangovers since I turned 25. Not like the ones I used to go to in college, where all I did was lay there for an hour and then recuperate. I’m talking about a full day with heartburn, headaches, light sensitivity, and a pressing urge to nap.

Damien has a habit of telling me that he doesn’t have hangovers, which is particularly annoying while I’m laying there useless and hungover.

What irritates me the most is that my hangovers come out of nowhere. I once drank four beers in five hours and then awoke with a pounding headache. I woke up ready for the day after drinking at least four tequila drinks before moving to a beer or two a few weeks later.

I’ve stocked up on Pepto tablets, coconut water, and Gatorade as a result of my increased hangover struggles. While all of that is well and dandy, who wouldn’t want something expressly designed to help with a hangover?

DrinkAde is exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a little shot that claims to eliminate hangovers. I thought to myself when I first heard about it, “That’s a little ambitious to promise.”

What Is DrinKade, and How Does It Work?

DrinkAde is actually two shots together (drinking shots; no syringes here). The first is a prophylactic shot, which you take before heading out (or while you’re out hard if you forgot, which you definitely did). It’s limeade-flavored, 3.4 oz, caffeine-free, and gluten-free (if that’s not your thing).

Review of My First DrinkAde Experience

I knew this was the perfect occasion to try DrinkAde when I was invited to a Fifth and a Friend (when you’re invited to a friend and must drink a fifth for the uninformed). I paused to take the limeade preventative shot as I shoveled Chipotle down my gullet to get something in there to absorb the booze.

I was a little put off by the taste, but I was prepared for the drinking event. We grabbed a bottle and made our way over to the party. I had two large rum drinks and a couple of Guinesses throughout the evening.We then ate pizza, drank water, and went to bed.

I was nervous when I awoke the next morning. I thought to myself, “There’s no way I won’t be hungover.” I chug some water after blinking open a few times. I was thirsty. My head wasn’t aching, even if it was exhausted. My stomach didn’t churn.

I’d managed Drinkade But I had to avoid the dreaded hangover.

n’t managed to avoid becoming exhausted. I debated whether or not to drink the Boost, but I didn’t want to drink both because I only had a limited amount and knew there would be more occasions when I needed it. If I had drunk it, I believe I would have been scot-free (get it? scotch-free). This is a joke by Damien). I also believe that eating before and after drinking, as well as incorporating water into my routine, made a major difference, so I wouldn’t recommend solely relying on DrinkAde.

DrinkAde for the Second Time

I went to a beer festival a few weeks later. I figured that as an adult, I’d be more responsible, so I skipped the preventative DrinkAde. However, the beer festival prompted us to order Mexican food and margaritas, and I decided to go all out. I knew this was my preventative moment after a day of beer, marg, and very little water consumption.

I downed the berry-flavored booster shot and fell asleep on the sofa almost instantly.

I awoke feeling hungover the next morning. I drank another one since my head was hurting and I was exhausted. I’m not sure that was the finest plan because I’m not sure if you should drink that much in a day, but I needed to be prepared.

Damien’s Opinion

Damien’s Opinion I rarely get hungover, as Max noted (I count my hangovers in this lifetime on one hand). DrinkAde seemed promising, but I didn’t think it was required. In all situations, I, like Max, failed to take the prophylactic and booster shots at the same time.

The second time I used the DrinkAde booster was on a Monday morning, which was similarly a tough task for a hangover cure-all.

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