Why Having an Antivirus Software is Still Important in 2022

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Is Antivirus software really necessary?

Many people say that they are unnecessary because there aren’t any threats like ransomware or file-encrypting viruses, but this isn’t completely true. AV software is still relevant even with the boom of malware targeting mobile devices and web browsers because it does more than just protect against threats.

It’s 2022 and you’re sitting at your computer, browsing the internet. Suddenly, a pop-up appears on your screen warning you of a virus that has been detected on your device. You panic and start to worry about all of the personal information that is stored on your computer. What do you do? If you have antivirus software installed on your device, then you can rest assured that your information is safe. Despite what many people believe, antivirus software is still important in 2022. In this article, we will discuss the importance of antivirus software and why it is still necessary in today’s world.

What Does Antivirus Software Do?

As you probably already know, most antivirus software scans your computer for any known types of malicious code before running or opening certain files on your system. However, very few people actually know what their Antivirus software is doing when it isn’t preventing a threat from being executed.

Here are some of the functions that antivirus software provides that aren’t as obvious:

  • Protects your online identity by hiding your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks

  • Prevents websites from tracking personal information via web trackers and browser plug-ins, such as Adobe Flash or Java

  • Checks downloaded files for rootkits before you open them, which may disguise themselves as legitimate programs or system drivers (e.g., Zeus virus)

  • Detects spam emails and notifies you of malicious links within the message body before you click on them, giving you time to think about whether or not they’re legit

  • Protects the integrity of transactions on your online accounts by using two-factor authentication to log in, which is required if you want to transact with a high level of assurance

  • Helps you stay anonymous when browsing websites via web proxies and virtual private networks (VPN) by routing your internet traffic through third-party relays before it reaches its destination server. However, this can reduce your connection speed up to 15% because of the extra step. You should only do this for anonymization purposes, not for security reasons. Remember that even though VPNs are secure, they still route all of their traffic through a central point that is controlled by the company operating the service! This means that they can see everything that you’re doing on their servers, which technically makes them a spy in the middle.

  • Helps you protect yourself when entering sensitive information online, such as when filling out bank forms or when using an automatic teller machine (ATM), by using public key encryption to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks

  • Prevents malicious websites from hijacking your computer via code injections that break into your web browser memory and execute commands without your permissions or knowledge. This prevents many kinds of drive-by download attacks. Remember to always clear your cache after visiting potentially dangerous websites so their exploits won’t be loaded into memory. For browsers with sandboxing capabilities, it also keeps attackers from breaking through the sandbox limitations to access sensitive parts of your operating system. Chrome’s sandboxing has been broken, though.

  • Prevents you from accidentally opening files with malicious macros embedded in them by disabling this feature unless you know that the file is safe

  • Blocks access to dangerous websites and phishing attacks by analyzing URL’s reputation for suspicious activity before displaying it in your browser (this does not work with hyperlinks that are hyperlinked; they still open even if they’re on a blacklisted site)

  • Checks all emails and attachments for malware before they’re allowed to be sent or downloaded: scans: executables, scripts, macro documents, and compressed formats such as .zip, .7z, or .tar detects backdoors in PE files, such as SubSeven or Gh0st RAT

  • Blocks you from uploading files that are infected with malware by detecting the digital signature of known malicious file types based on their unique patterns, using a whitelist to ensure that only safe software is allowed to run on your computer. The downside is that this can affect performance because it has to scan all of the programs in real-time before allowing them to be executed. For more tech-savvy users, it’s recommended to use an advanced sandboxed environment for testing new software, such as Sandboxie or VirtualBox, instead.

  • Gets rid of PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) when they try to slip onto your PC without your consent through advertisements in third party software packages by blocking access to the websites that offer them. This feature is opt-in and can be disabled if you want to install optional software from a third-party source.

  • Prevent remote execution of malware via bootkit attacks by making sure that your BIOS/UEFI firmware is properly configured with the latest options available or, as an alternative option, use a trusted operating system as the basis for your security measures (Tails is highly recommended).

  • Reforms Internet Explorer’s previous unsafe methods of sending data between web pages via insecure connections by only allowing Secure HTTP requests through the browser so that you don’t have to worry about what website you’re on anymore. Sites will still be able to track a few bits of information such as how long the site was visited and where it was visited from, but this is much more secure than before.

  • Blocks untrusted network services that run on non-standard ports or are protected by weak security methods (e.g., plain HTTP without an SSL Certificate, WEP wireless encryption) by sending malicious packets to the Windows Firewall where they can be analyzed and potentially blocked in the future to make your PC safer against future exploits over untrusted networks. This feature works together with the firewall built into Windows Defender which should not be disabled under any circumstances because it prevents you from being exploited even if Windows Defender itself has been removed or turned off. Stops hackers from becoming man-in-the-middle attacks through APIs that hook into TCP/IP’s connection structures for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks, such as those that are used by Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) or Windows own virtual WiFi feature.

  • Creates a hardware-bound key with an algorithm based on elliptic curve cryptography to strengthen the security of encryption keys and protect them from brute force attacks: they can’t be decrypted unless you physically have access to your PC and type in the correct passphrase. This type of encryption is only recommended for experienced users because it can create compatibility problems with older software where it’s not supported yet, such as email clients and servers, video games, etc.

  • Prevents untrusted applications from installing their root certificates into the certificate store so that their encrypted HTTPS connections cannot be trusted any more: they would be able to spoof legitimate websites without being detected. This feature comes in handy because malware authors are using this technique more and more often to help with their efforts to evade detection.

Antivirus software is important now and will continue to be essential for the next ten years. There are still viruses created every day; therefore, it is extremely important to have protection against them. Though it may not be as necessary as it once was, antivirus software is still important in 2022. It protects against more than just ransomware and file-encrypting viruses; it also protects your computer from other types of malware that can steal your personal information or damage your system. So, if you don’t have an antivirus program installed on your computer, we recommend you do so right away.

If you’re interested in learning how you can keep your valuable data safe, click here to find out about all of the Antivirus solutions tailored specifically for users like yourself. We’ll also show you some great deals on packages so you won’t miss out on any savings. We want to make sure you know about the special deals for antivirus software so you can get them at great prices! Check it out here for more information about the Antivirus best deals!