Why Quitting Smoking Is Hard

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Most people know that smoking is bad for them, but many find it difficult to quit.

People who are addicted to cigarettes know exactly why they can’t quit, and there are only two reasons: the addictive nicotine and the withdrawal process that they must go through.

In this article, we will look at what those with a cigarette addiction might be going through and how you can help them in kicking the habit.

  1. Nicotine causes the release of chemicals in your brain that make you feel good

Nicotine has been shown to be as addictive or even more so than other drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Yet an adult can walk into any store and buy cigarettes without being asked questions by anyone, which puzzles many people because of this seeming discrepancy between how dangerous it seems on paper (with all those chemicals) yet people still seem willing enough to take them up despite knowing what they contain!

When you try to quit smoking, you’re not just fighting against the addictive properties of nicotine – you’re also fighting against your own brain chemistry.

Nicotine alters the way your brain functions over time, making it appear as if you require nicotine just to feel normal.

The brain becomes more active when you give up smoking. This can result in feelings of anxiety or upset, difficulty concentrating, and sleeping soundly for some time after quitting cigarettes – all signs that your mind is healing from years’ worth of addiction!

  1. Withdrawal is another reason smokers continue to smoke

It takes time to recover from withdrawal symptoms. When your body does not receive nicotine, you may feel uneasy and crave cigarettes. This is referred to as withdrawal.

Most physical symptoms subside within a few days to a week, but cigarette cravings may last longer. There are things you can do to prepare for withdrawal.

Are you striving to give up smoking?

Sometimes it can be hard to quit smoking and we all know how addicting this habit is. If you are struggling with giving up your cigarettes, I recommend trying out these tips:

  • You must become more used to daily routines that do not include smoking

Many people associate smoking with daily activities such as taking breaks, drinking a cup of coffee, finishing a meal, talking with friends, or using the phone. These are referred to as triggers.

When you quit smoking, you’ll figure out how to get through your daily routines without using cigarettes. And you’ll figure out how to deal with stress or depression without smoking.

The good news is that millions of people have successfully quit smoking, and the majority report feeling better after a period of abstinence.

  • Keep in mind Why you began your smoke-free journey in the first place

When you have a reason to quit, it will help keep the momentum going. The most popular motivation for quitting is Health, but others include love and respect towards family members as well as saving up money now cigarettes cost more than ever before so people want out!

  • Stop making excuses

The excuses people make for smoking are endless. They say it’s the best way to start tomorrow, next month, or even just after dinner! But you know what? These habits aren’t worth sacrificing your health over – so why not stop making them?

Certain activities, feelings, and people become associated with smoking when you smoke. These could “trigger” your desire to smoke. Anticipate these smoking triggers and devise strategies to deal with them:

    1. Visit non-smoking establishments. Smoking is no longer permitted in stores, movie theaters, or many restaurants.
    2. Spend more time with people who do not smoke. If you’re around people who don’t smoke, you won’t want to smoke as much.
  • Keep your hands occupied. Squeeze a stress ball, play a phone game, or eat a healthy snack.
  • Take a long, deep breath. Remind yourself of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Consider the people in your life who will be happier and healthier as a result of your decision to quit.

So, if you’re reading this and trying to quit smoking, know that you are not alone. Millions of people have been in your position and have successfully quit smoking. These tips are just a starting point, but we hope they give you the sign to finally stop smoking for good.

And don’t forget—if you need more support, there are plenty of resources out there to help you quit for good. Millions of people have done it, and so can you.

Please share this post with your friends and loved ones who are trying to kick the habit, and follow us on Google News for more health tips throughout the year.