How to Make Use of Augmented Reality in Business

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We’ve all been exposed to the world of augmented reality in some way. The practice of overlaying computer-generated content on top of real-world environments isn’t new.

AR for business, on the other hand, has transformed technology from a novelty entertainment concept to a critical business tool.

By 2030, AR and VR may have a direct impact on 23 million jobs around the world. These technologies are currently used in the workplace by 824,000 of those jobs.

What is augmented reality, exactly?

What you probably already know is that AR allows you to point your smartphone camera at an object, landscape, or building, and other elements will appear in real time on your screen.

AR’s ability to layer digital information in some form atop the real-world view we perceive makes this possible. It essentially ‘enhances’ or ‘augments’ their perception of the world around us.

Text, graphics, audio, and other virtual enhancements integrated with real-world objects can all be used to create AR content. But how can we create such realistic enhancements?

In the AR landscape, Microsoft’s HoloLens headset has been a prominent tool. However, it should be noted that augmented reality is a versatile technology that is not limited to headsets.

Smartphones and tablets, in particular, are far more common carriers of augmented reality technology. AR is now available on a large scale on handheld devices such as phones, magic mirrors, and smart displays, as well as projection mapping experiences.

The widespread use of mobile devices, combined with the rapid introduction of wearable AR devices, suggests that the AR industry is on the verge of taking off.

But in which direction should we go? The growing use of augmented reality in business has altered both the way businesses operate and the tools, platforms, and applications available to augmented reality developers.

What is the Role of Augmented Reality in Business?

The boundaries between the physical and digital worlds are effectively blurred with augmented reality. As a result, it provides a completely new way of interacting with customers, colleagues, suppliers, and potential customers.

So far, augmented reality has shown significant market potential—and it’s still in the early stages of realizing its full potential.

Consider yourself shopping for a sweater, a new coffee table, or a vacation destination. You’d most likely be online, flipping through magazines, or shopping in a physical store. Reimagine your shopping experience from the comfort of your own home, in a fully immersive environment.

Smartphone apps can show you exactly what that new coffee table would look like in real-time and to scale.

Customers, on the whole, welcome new, efficient, and exciting trends, and businesses are constantly trying to improve user experiences.

As a result, AR technology has a clear place in their vastly consumer-driven lives. Augmented reality offers far more than improved customer experience from a business standpoint.

Sales professionals have long relied on the tried-and-true methods of cold calling, email blasts, trade shows, and print advertising to reach out to potential customers.

These traditional methods may still work for some companies, but as technology advances so does consumer behavior; people no longer want to be reached at a certain time or place by a specific method – they expect the world at their fingertips 24/7.

This shift in consumer behavior has left many salespeople behind in terms of reaching today’s consumers where they spend most of their time – mobile devices!

Augmented reality is a great tool to help your business reach its goals. By using AR, you can seamlessly integrate it into your current sales strategy and target audience.

With the right team behind you, anything is possible.

Have you tried using augmented reality in your marketing? If not, what’s stopping you?

Share this post with your co-business partners and get started on an AR campaign that will help increase ROI and boost sales.