What Does Travel Insurance Actually Cover?

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It can be confusing when you start shopping around to find the top insurance companies in Singapore, after all, they seem to be offering all sorts of things and it’s hard to know if you actually need them. So let’s take you through the different things that travel insurance covers and why you might need it!  

This is What Travel Insurance Covers

Trip cancellation coverage: 

If your trip or some activities within your trip get cancelled for a reason outside of your control (such as illness, injury and death of the traveller or close family or unplanned jury duty), this type of coverage reimburses you. This however doesn’t cover things like changing your mind randomly or leaving a trip early for other reasons. 

Trip delay coverage : 

If your travel itinerary is disrupted because of plane delays out of your control, delay coverage helps you manage the costs of re-booking your trip after the delay.

Trip interruption coverage: 

If your trip has to be cut short or interrupted for a personal reason outside of your control or because of natural disasters or civil unrest in the country you’re in, the insurance company may reimburse anything non-refundable. 

Medical & emergency-evacuation: 

If you happen to have the worst happen and need emergency surgery or to be repatriated back to your home, this coverage will handle things such as hospital transfers, and emergency flights. 

Baggage loss: 

It can be the worst feeling when your luggage goes missing or is stolen when travelling. When this happens you will want to know that if your bags don’t turn up, there’s a great option to reimburse the worth of the items in your bag. This does require documentation and doesn’t always cover cash or expensive art. 

Need A Hand? Call Sing Saver! 

Sing Saver allows users to get easy comparisons of travel insurance offers from a wide variety of insurers, so you get a good deal for your dream holiday.

Browse Singsaver’s special offers today and get yourself the best price possible!