Should you have your HPV vaccine?

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The most effective strategy to prevent HPV infection is to get an HPV vaccination. The immunizations protect women against cervical cancer. Certain vaccines (e.g., Gardasil-9 and Gardasil-4) protect both men and women from genital warts and malignancies caused by HPV.
A regular Pap smear test is the recommended cervical cancer screening tool for all women over the age of 25 who have ever had sexual intercourse. For those aged 30 and up, and HPV DNA tests should be included.

What exactly is the Human Papillomavirus? Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can infect various regions of the body.
HPV comes in over a hundred different strains. They’re divided into two categories: high-risk (can cause cancer) and low-risk (don’t cause cancer) (non-cancer causing). In men and women, more than 40 HPV types can infect the vaginal area.
In women, high-risk HPV strains are linked to cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancer. Penile cancer in men and anal and oropharyngeal cancer in both sexes are possible outcomes. Strains 16 and 18 are the most common high-risk strains. They are responsible for over 70% of cervical cancer incidences globally.
HPV strains with a low probability of causing genital warts in both men and women can cause no symptoms. Around 90 percent of genital warts are caused by HPV strains 6 and 11.

How does HPV transmit?
Infection with HPV is quite frequent in both men and women. It is spread by skin-to-skin contacts, such as during sexual activity, or by sharing contaminated sex devices. It can be passed from an infected woman to her newborn during birth on a very rare occasion.

HPV is not spread by touching common surfaces or sitting on toilet seats.
What are the indications and symptoms of an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV)? The majority of HPV infections are asymptomatic. Genital warts can be caused by HPV infections in both men and women. Cervical cancer in its early stages usually has no symptoms. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as bleeding after menstrual cycles or after sex, might be a sign of advanced cervical cancer. Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse; changes in the volume, color, or smell of the vaginal discharge.

What are the elements that put you at risk for cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is linked to the following risk factors:
1. Infection with HPV
2. Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection
3. Immunosuppression
4. Multiple sexual partners (in either partner)
5. Onset of sexual intercourse at an early age
6. History of sexually transmitted infections
7. Long term consumption of combined oral contraceptive pills
8. Cigarette smoking

Is it possible to treat HPV? The body’s immune system can usually fight off the infection and remove the virus without the need for therapy (90 percent of the time). Asymptomatic HPV infections do not require treatment.

HPV-related precancerous lesions, malignancy, and genital warts are all targets for treatment.
How can you avoid getting infected with HPV?
1.Get vaccinated. In both men and women, and HPV vaccine is highly successful in preventing HPV infection and HPV-related illnesses. When HPV vaccination is given before beginning any sexual activity, the advantages are maximized.
2. lowering the number of sexual partners and the rate by which new partners are introduced.
3. Use barrier contraceptives, such as condoms.