Dengue Fever: Diagnosis and Treatment

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Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that can be found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Dengue fever is characterized by a high fever and flu-like symptoms. Dengue hemorrhagic fever, a severe form of dengue fever, can result in major bleeding, a reduction in blood pressure, and death.

Vaccines against dengue fever are being developed by scientists. For the time being, the best ways to avoid getting dengue fever are to avoid being bitten by mosquitos and to take action to lower the mosquito population in places where the disease is prevalent.

When symptoms do appear, they might be confused with other illnesses like the flu, and they usually appear four to ten days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.
Dengue fever is characterized by a high fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) with any of the following Signs and Symptoms:

• Pain in the muscles, bones, or joints
• Back of the eyes ache
• glands swollen
• Headache
• Vomiting
• Nausea
• Rash

The majority of people recover in about a week. Symptoms might intensify and become life-threatening in some circumstances. Dengue shock syndrome is also known as severe dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever, or dengue hemorrhagic fever.

When your blood vessels become damaged and leaky, you get severe dengue fever. In addition, the number of platelets (clot-forming cells) in your bloodstream decreases. Shock, internal hemorrhage, organ failure, and even death might result.

Severe dengue fever, which is a life-threatening condition, has warning signals that appear swiftly. The warning signs usually appear within the first two days or so after your fever has subsided, and include:

• Fatigue
• Constant vomiting
• Irritability or agitation
• stomach pains that are severe
• Breathing that is difficult or quick
• Experiencing bleeding from your gums or nose?
• Under-the-skin bleeding that seems to be bruising
• You may notice blood in your urine, feces, or vomit.


Dengue fever is difficult to diagnose since its signs and symptoms are similar to those of other diseases like chikungunya, Zika virus, malaria, and typhoid fever.
Your physician will almost certainly inquire about your medical and travel history. Make careful to include details on international trips, such as the countries you visited and the dates, as well as any mosquito encounters.
Your doctor may also take a sample of your blood to be checked in a lab for evidence of dengue virus infection.


There is no specific treatment for dengue fever.
If you see any of the following signs or symptoms of dehydration, contact your doctor straight away:
• Urination is less frequent.
• There are little or no tears.
• Lips or mouth that are dry
• Lethargy or befuddlement
• Extremities that are cold or clammy

Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) is an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine that can aid with muscle discomfort and fever. Other OTC pain medicines, such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others), and naproxen sodium, should be avoided if you have dengue fever (Aleve). Dengue fever bleeding problems can be exacerbated by certain pain medications.

If you have a severe case of dengue fever, you may require the following treatments:

• A hospital’s supportive care
• Fluid and electrolyte replacement with intravenous (IV) administration
• Monitoring blood pressure
• Blood transfusions are used to replace blood lost via illness or injury.

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