With a new home remedy, you can stop and cure type 2 diabetes

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Diabetes has become a pandemic, requiring lifelong treatment for over 422 million people globally. Scientists are working to develop a diabetic medication that can cure the illness, but how near are we?

Diabetic retinopathy, renal failure, heart attack, and stroke are all common complications of diabetes. The number of persons afflicted by diabetes diseases has increased by more than fourfold in the last 40 years. As a result, the World Health Organization has declared diabetes an epidemic, warning that it would soon become the world’s sixth-leading cause of death.

Despite its enormous impact, there is currently no cure for diabetes of any kind. The majority of therapies assist patients in managing their symptoms to some extent.

Glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 receptor agonists, which increase insulin synthesis in beta-pancreatic cells while inhibiting the release of glucagon, a hormone that has the opposite effect as insulin, are one of the most successful treatments for type 2 diabetes. Sanofi, Eli Lilly, Roche, AstraZeneca, and Boehringer Ingelheim, among others, have GLP-1 medicines on the market or in the pipeline. Novo Nordisk, on the other hand, has taken a stride forward with the first oral form of a GLP-1 medication, which is currently available.

Poxel, a French firm, is taking a different approach with a medication that reduces blood sugar by concurrently targeting the pancreas, liver, and muscles. This has been demonstrated by the medication.

Betagenon and Baltic Bio are developing a first-in-class medication in Sweden that has the ability to manage sugar levels while also lowering blood pressure, which is a major risk factor in individuals with type 2 diabetes who are also obese.

Morphosys, a German company, is also tackling the obesity component of type 2 diabetes by conducting Phase II studies with an antibody meant to decrease fat, prevent insulin resistance, and regulate excessive eating.

The microbiome as a target

Scientists have just recently discovered how important the microorganisms that live within and on us are to our health. Multiple chronic illnesses, including diabetes, have been related to the human microbiome, particularly the gut microbiota.

Patients with diabetes have a less varied gut microbiota than healthy persons, which has been discovered to have an imbalanced microbiome makeup. Researchers at the University of Amsterdam have discovered that fecal transplants, which transfer the microbiome of a healthy person to the gut of a diabetic patient, can reduce insulin resistance in obese type 2 diabetes patients in the short term.

The No-Needle Revolution

In an interview, Avner Gal, CEO of Integrity Applications, said, “In a perfect world, blood sugar testing would be rapid and painless.” Many businesses are researching non-invasive techniques to replace finger pricking, so that world may not be far away. Integrity Applications has created a gadget called GlucoTrack that uses electromagnetic waves to detect glucose and is now available in Europe.

Similar technologies are emerging, such as GlucoSense in London, which uses laser light to detect blood sugar levels, and MediWise, which uses radio waves. ”The gadget has the potential to cut healthcare expenditures, which in the case of diabetes amount for $90 billion per year in Europe,” says the researcher. Panos Kosmas, co-founder of MediWise

But we are in Singapore, and this is not available in Singapore. There is an alternative and a home remedy that can help you.

Watch this video now diabetesreversed.com/ptn/ss/181 What will be the next step in diabetes treatment?

By 2025, the diabetes market, which includes both type 1 and type 2, is anticipated to reach a huge $86 billion, and we may expect a slew of new technologies to compete for market share. Researchers are already speculating about microchips that can identify diabetes type 1 before symptoms show, as well as nanorobots that can test glucose and give insulin while going through the circulation.

“There isn’t much left of the fiction in this. At the 2013 Medicon, Tomas Landh, Director of Strategy and Innovation Sourcing at Novo Nordisk, stated, “I firmly think that micro-robotics will arrive and will be a component of our medication delivery within the next ten years.” Check out Home Remedies Treat Diabetes without Needles