What are the Basic Rules of Feng Shui?

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Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that has been used for centuries to help improve the energy flow in a room. Feng Shui is based on the idea that everything in life has its own energy, and this energy can be either good or bad. The goal of Feng Shui is to use items like mirrors, colors, furniture placement, etc., to create positive energies throughout your home. Feng Shui is not just about making your house look nice; it’s about improving your overall quality of life!

There are many Feng Shui tips you can use to create good Feng Shui. The idea is that every room in your home should have an area for relaxation. Feng Shui teaches that the front door should also be inviting. Let’s take a look at some of the most essential variables to consider while designing excellent Feng Shui in your home.

  1. The First Step in Feng Shui Is at the Front Door

A Feng Shui expert would start with your front door. The Feng Shui rule is that the front door should be inviting. In Feng Shui, a welcoming door is considered a symbol of prosperity and abundance. It can also represent a foundation for good Feng Shui.

A Feng Shui welcoming front door creates a feeling of welcome and acceptance to those entering or exiting the house. One example is stepping through the threshold with one’s right foot first, as was traditionally done in China centuries ago when they thought it would bring good luck since they were entering their new home. Keep your door’s hinges oiled and its paint in excellent condition to keep it operating smoothly. Your home’s good energy will be depleted if you don’t. This practice now has been adopted by many as symbolic of one’s new life journey, as well as being seen as a gesture that welcomes guests into your homes.

  1. The Bedroom Is the Most Important Room in Your House for Feng Shui

Because it is the place where you are supposed to rest, your bedroom has a significant impact on your energy levels. It is also a popular destination for couples seeking romance, giving it a second important role in generating positive energy in your home.

As a result, you must exercise caution in how you arrange your bedroom furniture and where you place items such as mirrors and windows.

  • Positioning of the Bed

Ideally, you should position your bed across from your doorway, but not with your feet directly in front of it. This is because, according to Chinese custom, the deceased are carried out of the bedroom with their feet first.

Place your bed away from windows, as this can disrupt your energy while you sleep. Instead, position your bed so that you can clearly see your door and your headboard is against a wall. This will help you to stay grounded while you sleep.

  • Television

You should also remove any televisions from your bedroom if you have them. It’s distracting, and it emits positive ions, which are thought to drain your energy in Feng Shui.

  • Mirrors

Mirrors should almost never be placed in a way that allows you to observe yourself from your bed. Because of this, your relationship may suffer.

  1. Feng Shui Can Brighten Up Your Living Room

You should concentrate on decluttering and creating a harmonious environment in your living room. The flow of positive energy in your home will be hampered if your living room is disorganized.

Start by picking up anything that is lying around, such as your child’s toys, junk mail strewn across the coffee table, or DVDs stacked in a pile. This will aid in the promotion of good chi in your environment.

  • Color

Consider the color of your living room next. Choose lighter colors to create a sense of balance in your home. Accent walls in light blue, pale yellows, light grays, and whitewashed green should also be considered. These colors create a calm and relaxing environment.

  • Lighting

Now that your walls are the right color, you must ensure that they receive adequate lighting. Choose homes with large windows and hang mirrors on the back wall to create a large and open feeling in your living room.

  • Featured Furniture

If you have a lot of extraneous furniture in your home, it can make it feel cluttered. Check that everything in your living room serves a purpose and is functional.

Consider purchasing furniture with hidden storage if you want to hide some of your clutter while increasing functionality.

  • Decorations

To create a good flow of energy in your living room, organize your decorative objects on floating shelves and bookshelves. By arranging your items on elevated platforms, you can direct the energy of the room upwards.

  1. Your kitchen might be the key to making your home wealthy.

Your kitchen is one of the three most important Feng Shui spaces in your home (the others are the bathroom and bedroom). Your kitchen should be a place where you can nourish your soul. It also represents your prosperity and wealth. One good idea is to place herb plants in your kitchen to provide an earthy balance that promotes relaxation.

  • Kitchen Stove

Your stove has a significant impact on the Feng Shui of your home because it is one of the primary sources of heat in your home. It’s best to face your kitchen south or southwest, as this is the direction of the fire element. Your kitchen is another room that should be clutter-free in order to have a logical energy flow.

  1. Your Desk at Work Can Create a Balanced Energy Environment in Your Home Office

Feng Shui can be used to attract prosperity in your home office. Consider positioning your desk so that it has a clear view of the door. This puts you in a “power position,” allowing you to command the room. You should avoid facing the door with your back to it, as this is considered distracting. Avoid putting it in front of a large mirror or window, as these will sap your energy. You will also need to select window treatments for your office and other rooms in your home. Consider soft curtains in light fabric shades or curtains made of natural materials. This will result in a relaxing atmosphere.

  1. The bathroom may also be enhanced with the principles of feng shui.

In Feng Shui, the bathroom gets a bad rap. However, with some deliberate choices, you can counteract that negative energy flow.

If your bathroom connects to your bedroom, make sure the separation is clear.

If you have a mirror on the inside of your bathroom door, consider moving it to the outside. This can keep good energy from entering the bathroom and being drained.

  1. Feng Shui also applies to storage areas.

You may believe that by closing the door to your closet, you are trapping all of the negative energy associated with its disorganization. However, Feng Shui energy flows will be disrupted.

Consider the last time you cleaned your house quickly and tucked things away wherever you could before a friend came over. Did you feel satisfied and at ease? Most likely not.

Not only does this type of tidying force you to lose things, but it also prevents you from achieving complete mental peace.

  1. Aligning the Wrong Doors

Everything in Feng Shui is about energy flow. Energy travels from one room to another through doorways. If you align your front door with your back door, all of the energy in your home will flow out. You should also avoid aligning your bathroom and kitchen doors. You don’t want these two energies to come into contact with each other.

Finally, trust your instincts. These are only broad principles of Feng Shui. Listen to your heart and intuition to design a space that is truly one-of-a-kind to you. If something doesn’t feel right, keep rearranging and decluttering. You will be able to achieve the ideal Feng Shui balance for you with practice.