Fractured Toe: Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery

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If you have a fractured toe, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. A fractured toe can cause a lot of pain and discomfort and can make it difficult to walk or even stand. In this blog post, we will discuss the symptoms of a fractured toe, the treatment options available, and the steps you need to take for a successful recovery.

Symptoms of a Fractured Toe

A fractured toe is most commonly caused by an impact to the toe, such as dropping something on your foot or stubbing it against a hard surface. This causes the bone under the skin to break and results in a lot of pain and swelling. If you have a large break in one of your toes, you may notice that it looks crooked or deformed. Repetitive actions, such as those found in some sports, can lead to toe stress fractures.

Symptoms also include:

  • Pain or foot discomfort
  • Swelling around the affected area 
  • Discolouration (black and blue)
  • stiffness
  • bruising
  • swelling around the affected area
  • deformity
  • difficulty walking
  • toenail injury

Treatment for a Fractured Toe

The location and severity of a broken toe fracture determine the treatment options. If you suspect that you have a fractured toe, you should then go to the emergency room where the doctor will assess your injury and decide on what kind of treatment would be best for your particular case.

Initially, if there is not too much pain or swelling, ice packs may be applied every few hours to reduce pain and swelling. A splint or brace can also help support the foot, decrease discomfort, and prevent further injury until the toe has healed properly.

It’s possible that the fracture will need to be reduced and splinted or cast back into place. A tetanus shot and antibiotics may be necessary if there is an open wound near the wounded toe. If the toe fracture is a minor or small fracture in a bone of one of the small toes, the doctor may use tape to hold

Treatment for a broken toe generally involves immobilizing it with either an air cast or splint. If necessary X-rays will determine whether surgery is needed; however, this step isn’t often necessary. There are several ways to treat a broken toe:

  • Wear a splint or brace for six weeks after the injury. The doctor may also recommend wearing shoes that don’t have laces and limit walking as much as possible during this time period. 

  • You can make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any signs of infection such as redness, increased swelling or fever; this may require antibiotic treatment or surgery depending on the severity of the case.    
  • For some fractures, surgery may be required to align and stabilize the bones properly; however, this step is usually unnecessary unless medical conditions like diabetes exist. 

If the condition persists after six weeks, an X-ray may be required, or the fracture should be re-evaluated by the doctor to examine how the bone is improving. A broken toe usually has a decent prognosis. Simple fractures normally heal without complications. Arthritis, discomfort, stiffness, and deformity are some of the risks of bad fractures.

Recovery for Fractured Toe

The recovery times associated with a fractured toe depend on many factors including age, health conditions like diabetes, how severe the break is (for example, if the broken toe needs screws or plates), and any previous injuries you have experienced in that particular foot.

Symptoms usually resolve within one year after your injury; however, you will need to follow up visits with your doctor to monitor your fracture. Recovery time can vary depending on the severity of your injury. With proper immobilization and rest, most people are able to resume regular activities after about six weeks; however, it is important to avoid rigorous activity or high impact sports during this time period.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of a fractured toe, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. The Orthopaedic & Pain Practice offers a variety of treatment options for fractured toes, and they will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs. Contact their clinic today to schedule an appointment or learn more about their services.