The Truth About Dental Implants

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Dental implants are often the best option for people whose teeth have been damaged or infected. They provide a foundation to help replace missing crowns, bridges, and dentures while also restoring healthy bone around your mouth!

What exactly is implantology?

Implantology is the branch of dentistry that deals with using artificial teeth to replace missing or damaged jawbones.

Dental implants are provided in order for people who have lost their natural tooth due to an accident, disease process like gum recession (the wearing away) around its edges where they touch foods you eat most often and more. The general procedure would incorporate placing these into your bone so it will feel more comfortable when eating certain kinds of food.

Dental implants come in three different types: bone-anchored (this features a Screw or Clamp at its base), attached by wire which attaches directly to your jawbone; crowns made out of either gold alloys titanium-12% aluminum 29%, zirconium 7%. All 3 options have their benefits depending on what you want for yourself – whether long-term comfort vs lack thereof after losing one.)

Dental Implant FAQs

You may be surprised to learn that it is estimated that 80% of the general population has missing or damaged teeth. If these are not replaced, they can cause serious health problems including an increased risk for dental disease and even tooth decay!

When one tooth goes missing there are many negative consequences such as chewing difficulties which could lead you onto a path towards losing more permanent ones in addition to being crowded out by other plants due to lack of space on your bite-the most common reasons people need Dental Implant procedures conducted at all. Dental implants may be one of the best ways to restore this lost tooth structure.

Is Dental Implant right for me?

Implant patients range in age, and implants may be the best option for anyone who has lost one or more teeth due to injury, disease, or decay. They are especially useful for those who are unable to wear detachable dentures. Following a thorough examination of your dental and medical histories, your dentist will evaluate if you are a candidate for dental implants.

Do you have enough bone?

A patient’s bone density must be sufficient to support the implant. There are several safe and effective techniques to address bone insufficiency if you don’t have enough. Your dentist will examine this and let you know if more bone material is required.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Dentists use a variety of techniques to place these titanium devices and reported outcomes can range from 90-95%, depending on your health, oral hygiene habits, etc. For an individual in good physical condition with proper care, this could be expected at higher rates than less healthy patients who may require more extensive treatment options before they are successful.

Do dental implants last a long time?

The answer is yes. Unlike natural teeth which are susceptible to decay and other diseases in a person’s mouth due to their lack of immunity from outside factors such as bacteria or viruses, artificial molars created using titanium survive indefinitely with proper care.

What’s the advantage of dental implants if I have full dentures or partial dentures?

Dental implants can be a great option for those who wear dentures. Full or partial, dental implants offer retention and support while improving removable prostheses like overdentures to reduce dependency on adhesives/glue which is both comfortable and secure!

So if you’re one of the many people out there who are considering dental implants, be sure to ask your dentist about fixed artificial teeth as well. It may seem like an extra step, but it could end up saving your natural teeth in the long run. And don’t forget to share this information with your friends and family – they’ll thank you for it!