The Ultimate Guide To A Healthy, Happy Weekend Detox

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Just because the weekend is here does not mean you have to let all of your healthy living habits go out the window. In fact, weekends are the perfect time to reset and recharge your body with a healthy detox. This does not mean you have to go on a juice cleanse or deprive yourself of all the good things in life. Instead, think of it as a chance to hit the reset button and start the week off on the right foot.

Here is your ultimate guide to a healthy, happy weekend detox.

Weekend Body Detox

Start your morning off with 8 ounces of warm water. Then, drink a green juice or smoothie made with leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables. Not only will this give you a boost of energy, but it will also help to alkalize your body and cleanse your system.

For lunch, enjoy a big salad made with greens like arugula or spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables of your choosing. Dress it simply with olive oil and lemon juice. Round out your meal with grilled hake or another mild fish, and steamed green veggies like broccoli or spinach.

For a mid-afternoon snack, reach for an apple or some raw pumpkin seeds. And for dinner, enjoy another salad made with leafy greens, grilled tuna or chicken, and steamed veggies. End your night with a cup of herbal tea and a small slice of sourdough bread.

weekend body detox

For dinner, have ½ cup steamed green vegetables (spinach or broccoli) and a small slice of sourdough bread. The vegetables will provide your body with important nutrients and the bread will help to soak up any toxins in your system.

Finally, drink anise tea before bedtime. This herb has many health benefits, including aiding in digestion and helping you to relax.

Detoxing doesn’t have to be difficult or boring. By following our ultimate guide to a healthy, happy weekend detox, you’ll be feeling refreshed and rejuvenated in no time!

So what are you waiting for? Get started on your healthy weekend today, and don’t forget to share this guide with your friends and family so they can benefit from it too!