Do I need to eat Vitamin D3?

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What’s more unexpected about vitamin D3? It’s a prohormone rather than a vitamin. Because the body can make it on its own by absorbing sunlight through the skin, it’s classified as a pro-hormone.

Other vitamins and nutrients are not manufactured by the body and must be received through diet and supplementation. In order to absorb phosphorous and maintain adequate calcium levels, the body needs a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D is required for a variety of bodily activities, including:

  • Vitamin D is required for the preservation of healthy teeth and strong bones.
  • Having a sufficient supply of vitamin D protects against diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes.
  • Aids in the control of diabetes and the maintenance of normal insulin levels.
  • Vitamin D protects the neurological system and brain while also supporting the immune system.
  • Vitamin D is necessary for the lungs and cardiovascular system to function properly.
  • It aids in the prevention of cancer.


To manufacture vitamin D3, your body does not require a lot of sunlight. Getting five to ten minutes of sunlight on bare skin two to three times a week, according to experts. This is more difficult during the winter months or in areas of the world when sunshine is scarce.

As a result, vitamin D insufficiency affects up to 50% of adults and children around the world. People with darker skin or older skin may have difficulty absorbing sunlight, necessitating the use of a supplement or the inclusion of vitamin D-rich foods in their diet.

If you don’t think you’re receiving enough vitamin D from your diet, try including the following foods:

Fatty fish, such as mackerel, trout, tuna, salmon, and eel, are vitamin D-rich foods that are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help to protect the heart.

Vitamin D-Fortified Milk: Thankfully, most milk produced is vitamin D-fortified. You may acquire 100 IUs of vitamin D by consuming at least one 8-ounce glass of milk every day. Some rice and soy milks are vitamin D enhanced; read the label carefully before purchasing. Some yogurts may be vitamin D fortified as well.

Fortified Orange Juice: Those who can’t digest dairy, vegans, or just don’t like milk can get a boost of vitamin D with fortified orange juice. Drinking an 8-ounce glass of fortified orange juice can provide you with up to 100 IUs of vitamin D, just like milk. Check the label before walking to the checkout line because not all orange drinks are fortified with vitamin D.

Eggs: Because eggs are used in so many recipes and desserts, they are a simple way to increase your vitamin D levels. When using eggs, make sure to use the whole egg because the yolk contains the majority of the vitamin D.

For those of you who are careful about your Vitamin D3 intake, do not worry. The sun and food sources provide the right amount for a healthy lifestyle. Just make sure to have some sunshine on your skin at least 10 minutes per day or eat foods with high levels of vitamin D3 such as eggs, salmon, sardines and mushrooms (among others) every day! If you’ve been supplementing with Vitamin D3 but want to go natural, we can help. Leave us comments below if this is something that interests you!