What Are The Complications Of A Broken Toe?

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Most people believe that there’s no treatment for broken toes, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Ankle Surgeons warn against assuming anything when it comes to injury or pain in your feet and ankles.

For many people, an injury or broken toe is the last thing on their minds. But doctor’s statement should be heeded advice because never underestimate how important it can truly become!

The orthopedics have warned many that toes are often overlooked when injured- so don’t take any chances; make sure you see a foot/ankle specialist right away if there’s anything at all wrong with one of them (even just seem hurt). They’ll assess pain levels and diagnose potential problems.

If you have a fracture, a podiatrist can fit you with a splint, surgical shoe, or even a walking boot if the injury is severe. Regardless of the treatment plan, you’ll leave the office feeling a little better and resting a little easier knowing that you won’t have to worry about the long-term consequences of inadequately treated toe fractures.

Complications can occur if Broken Toes are not Treated Properly

The following are the four most common:

  1. Toe Deformity – If a toe fracture is left untreated, it can cause joint injury, chronic swelling, and bone displacement. A toe malformation can result from certain disorders. While a toe deformity may appear to be nothing more than a cosmetic annoyance, it can cause pain and make it difficult to wear shoes.
  2. Osteoarthritis – If the fracture affects a joint, it can progress to osteoarthritis, which causes chronic pain, swelling, and degenerative joint changes if left untreated. If you’ve ever heard someone remark that their joints alert them to changing weather, they most likely have osteoarthritis, and you don’t want to be a part of their club.
  3. Non-Healing Fracture — A non-healing fracture can occur when a broken toe is not adequately treated and is combined with additional medical conditions such as diabetes, poor circulation, and/or osteoporosis. This indicates that it will remain in an unstable state and will not mend. When a fracture becomes non-healing, it can be difficult to cure and cause persistent discomfort, prompting amputation in some cases.
  4. Sausage Toe As the name suggests, the sausage toe is continuously red and swollen, painful, and unsightly condition.

The simplest method to avoid these consequences is to seek care for any injury involving your toes as soon as possible.

Your podiatrist can assist you in getting back on your feet. Broken bones usually recover in around six weeks. Stress fractures, on the other hand, require less time. You’ll know what type of fracture you have with the help of a doctor. Because the first few days of bone mending are so crucial to recovery, doctors refer to them as “the golden period.” This is why it is critical to get medical help as soon as possible. You don’t want to waste this crucial time.

Immobilization (with “buddy tape,” a splint, or a surgical shoe) and elevation for the first week or two following a toe fracture will start the healing process. However, depending on the specifics of your injury, the rest of your treatment strategy may differ. Not only is there a therapy for fractured toes but there are a lot of them.

If you or a loved one is experiencing toe pain that you believe may be the result of a fracture, you can contact The Orthopaedic & Pain Practice. They know that pain can limit your pursuit of health. they can help you relieve your pain and restore motion to your life.