Folic Acid and Why It’s Important for Pregnant Women

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Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin and is found in leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fortified cereals and grains. It is important for pregnant women because it helps to prevent neural tube defects in the developing baby. All pregnant women should take a daily supplement of 400 micrograms of folic acid. Good dietary sources of folic acid include spinach, broccoli, lentils, and black beans.

Folic acid is important for pregnant women because it helps to prevent neural tube defects in the developing baby. All pregnant women should take a daily supplement of 400 micrograms of folic acid. Good dietary sources of folic acid include spinach, broccoli, lentils, and black beans.

Folic Acid

Folic acid works by helping the body to produce new cells. It also helps to prevent anemia, which can make you feel tired and weak. If you are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant, it is important to talk to your doctor about taking a folic acid supplement.

In conclusion, folic acid is an important nutrient for pregnant women. It helps to prevent birth defects and can also help to prevent anemia. If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, be sure to talk to your doctor about taking a folic acid supplement.

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