The DO’s and DON’T’s: Stay away from airborne infectious disease

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Airborne diseases are caused by the pathogens that can travel in the air and they are very hard to control. It spreads from infected person to another person through coughing, sneezing, talking and even laughing! Therefore, we might get infected simply by breathing in airborne pathogenic organisms. There are a few examples of airborne diseases such as COVID-19, influenza, common cold, chickenpox, tuberculosis (TB) and etc.

Here are what we need to know in order to protect ourselves from Airborne diseases


  1. Keep our hands clean

This step is so important as we always use our hands to touch things without realizing that bacteria can be anywhere.  So, do wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water if situation allows. If not, alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 65% alcohol is a good substitute, spread it on the surface of your hands and rub unt1l dry. This is particularly important after coughing or sneezing, blowing nose, going to bathroom and before eating or cooking.

  1. Wear face mask

Wearing face masks can aid in reducing the spread of airborne diseases if worn correctly especially when we have the symptoms like flu, cough, and sneeze. Also, consider wearing a mask in crowded place like shopping mall and working place, to reduce the chances of getting infected. Remember to throw it away once you have done wearing a face mask and wash your hands afterwards.

  1. Build up our immune system

Now, it is time to put your health at the top. Firstly, try to practice healthy diet by consuming more fruits and vegetables. Next, stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily, getting enough sleep, and avoiding stress since it might reduce our immune system’s ability to fight off antigens. Last but not least, workout can also help to boost our immune system by strengthening the antibodies.

  1. Practice Social Distancing

Social distancing is an act of self-isolation to avoid and control the spread of infectious disease from 1 person to another. It is better to stay at least 1 meter away from others especially when they are coughing or sneezing. Moreover, avoid group gatherings as it might increase the chances of infecting.

  1. Cover mouth when coughing or sneezing

A lot of people choose to cover their nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing by using their bare hands but this is not right. You use your hands to do a lot of things, so you might easily transfer all the virus and bacteria to your nose and mouth. Instead, use tissue to reduce the possibility of transmitting germs and always wash your hands thoroughly.

  1. Clean all ‘high-touch’ surfaces everyday

We should clean and disinfect high touch surfaces including our smartphone, keyboards, tablets, tabletops, doorknobs, and bathroom fixtures often using household cleaner or disinfectants if possible.


  1. Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth

Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands! If we somehow have come into contact with the virus, it might help the virus to enter our body through our mouth and eyes areas.

  1. Avoid unnecessary meetings

Do not hangout with family members or friends if we suspect we have symptoms. Those who have low immune system such as elders, children and chronic disease patients can easily fall sick and be infected by the virus. So, try to protect them by eating and sleeping separately if possible. The best way to stay at home and omit our contact with other people.

  1. Avoid physical greetings

When you visit your relatives or community members do not shake hands or give hugs white greeting. Try to use alternative contactless greetings by maintaining at least 1 meter of distance from each other.

  1. Avoid sharing household items

Please do not share our personal or household items lie dishes, glasses, nail clipper, bedding and especially our towels with our housemates or even our family members. They should be washed thoroughly each time after use to avoid any germ transmission.

  1. Don’t panic

Although it is not a ‘panic-demic’, btu do remember to take precautions even though we are healthy! However, the spread of fear is more transmissible than the virus itself and it might be impacting our lifestyle for some time. Hence, it is time for everyone to take extra care of themselves, contribute in social distancing together and make it work.